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June 21, 2023

Why You Should Embrace Popups: The Hidden Champion of Customer Conversion

Why You Should Embrace Popups

In this blog post, we will cover:

  1. Optimal Customer Engagement
  2. Boosting Conversion Rates
  3. Customer Base Growth
  4. Effective Customer Retention
  5. Cost-Effective Marketing
  6. Getting Started with Popups
  7. Conclusion

For many, the term 'popups' may conjure images of annoying advertising interruptions or disruptive promotions. However, we would like to change these preconceptions. When used correctly, popups are highly effective tools for customer conversion, engagement, and retention. Integrating popups into your digital strategy can (and should) be a breeze. Here's why, we think, you should embrace them as the hidden champion of your marketing strategy.

Optimal Customer Engagement

Popups offer great versatility. Share a special offer, invite customers to subscribe to a newsletter, encourage social media follows, or even provide important website navigation assistance. This versatility means that popups can be tailored to deliver the right message, at the right time, significantly improving customer engagement. Fluentos offers an array of customization options, ensuring your popups are fully aligned with your brand style guide and communication strategy.

Boosting Conversion Rates

When designed effectively, with the customer experience in mind, popups can significantly boost your website's conversion rates. For instance, a popup triggered in the basket, using exit-intent technology, which appears when a customer is about to leave the site, can present a compelling offer that encourages them to stay longer, or even complete a purchase. Research has shown that these can increase conversion rates by as much as 4-5%. It may not seem much, but consider this number against the ads. Combined with Fluentos datahub trigger you can reduce product return rate, and increase satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Customer Base Growth

Popups are an excellent tool for growing your customer base. They can be used to invite customers to subscribe to your newsletter, sign up for a free trial, or participate in a survey. This data can then be used to improve your marketing growth and allow more targeted and personalized campaigns while respecting your customers' privacy.

Effective Customer Retention

Present a valuable offer or piece of content to your online audience and you will encourage them to stay on your website longer. Reducing the bounce rate of your website is an uphill battle, however, we think that by engaging customers with relevant and timely content you can keep your customers engaged longer.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to other marketing methods, popups are very low-cost and easy to implement. Using Fluentos, you can create and customize popups to match your brand and your marketing objectives, without the need for extensive design or programming knowledge. Think of your goal, select the template, adjust to match, and publish. Within minutes you will engage with your online customers.

Getting Started with Popups

Before you rush off to start using popups on your website, it is important to consider a few things. Best converting popups are those that provide real value to the customer. This could be a sales lead, a suggestion to try something if the customer is struggling, or giving something (discount code or membership bonus). Then there is a visual part of your popup which is the first thing your customers will see - it should be eye-catching and not overly intrusive.

Privacy laws and regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU are very strict and it is mandatory to comply, otherwise, you will be risking fines. You have to make sure to ask for the necessary consent from your customers and respect chosen preferences.


Even though popups are gaining a bad online reputation, it is not too late to change that. We need to think about the strategy now more than ever to respect customers' privacy and time. By offering targeted, timely, and valuable content to your customers, you can use popups as a powerful tool to engage your online audience.

Start your free trial today.

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Ready To Create Your First Popup?

It couldn’t be easier, and we’ll be here to help you every step of the way. Let’s get your visitors engaged and skyrocket your sales together. Try Fluentos for free for 14 days, with no credit card information needed.