Reduce Cart

Exit-intent popups appear when a user shows signs of leaving the site, usually by moving their cursor towards the browser’s close or back button. These popups aim to capture the visitor’s attention and provide a compelling reason to stay or perform a specific action.

Personalized Targeting

Interact with your customers according to their Country, Language, Referring Page or Live Data.

Personalized Targeting Popup

Capture E-Mail Leads

Motivate visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. It’s crucial to assure potential subscribers that your emails promise enriching content and insights.

Capture E-Mail Leads Popup

Collect Feedback

Optimize your business strategies based on genuine visitor answers, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Collect Feedback Popup

Promote Special Offers

Increase awareness of the major campaign in your online shop. Whether you have major Black Friday sales, Christmas, or seasonal sales, announce it site-wide and redirect to the product page with a catchy call to action message.

Promote Special Offers Popup

Check our blog post why you should embrace popups .

Person Using FLuentos Person Using FLuentos

Ready To Create Your First Popup?

It couldn’t be easier, and we’ll be here to help you every step of the way. Let’s get your visitors engaged and skyrocket your sales together. Try Fluentos for free for 14 days, with no credit card information needed.